International tests / IELTS TEST

What is IELTS ?
IELTS is the world’s most popular English language test. If you’re looking to work, study or live abroad then taking an IELTS test can help you make that dream come true.

Study, work and live abroad
IELTS is accepted by more than 10,000 organisations in over 140 countries. Those organisations include governments, academic institutions and employers with 3,000 in the USA alone.
Get where you want to go
In most countries where English is the main language, you’ll need evidence of English language skills to apply for jobs and university courses.
Prove yourself at home
Proving your English language skills with an IELTS test can help you get a better job or apromotion in your home country.
Looking to emigrate?
Your IELTS test results will help you meet your immigration requirements. All immigration authorities that require an English language test will accept IELTS.
✅ Take IELTS
You can take the IELTS at the English Cultural Center with the British Council
ECC is an official IELTS test centre

To book your test you will need:
1. Make sure you have a valid ID- passport or national ID card at hand. Please note you will have to present the same passport or national ID that you use for registration on test day. Different, invalid or expired passport or national ID card will not be accepted, and you will not be allowed to sit the test. Please note that candidates under 18 years of age have to supply written consent by a parent or guardian in order to apply for a test place. Please note that IELTS is not recommended for test takers under the age of 16.
2. Pay for your test. You can pay for your test either at ECC or via bank or postal transfer. In the Reference section of your payment please write: [IELTS / family name / city / test date].
3. Once you have made the payment, please send us the payment receipt (if applicable) with the rest of your registration documents to: To
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